Monday, December 21, 2009

People, Lend Me Your Wisdom : Advice For Long Distance Relationships?

In freshman year, I fell for a senior. We went to Prom and Winter Formal, we did everything together, but now I'm a sophomore and she's in college. I can't drive, but she can, my parents love her, and her parents love me. My problem is now that we're in different schools and have completely different schedules, it's so hard to make time for each other. I call her every night, and if I'm lucky, her classes won't tie her up during the weekend and I can see her.

My only real solution is to wait till I graduate, but I really can't wait 3 more years.

People, lend me your wisdom...

please :)People, Lend Me Your Wisdom : Advice For Long Distance Relationships?
i've been in one for 4 years now. we met in HS we were 16 then he had to go back home (germany) while I stayed here (USA). We knew it would be hard work but we wanted to give it a shot and see if we could last. We are really happy. We both agree that we need to finish school so we have to wait about 3 or 4 years before we can finally be together. Can you really not wait? or is it just really fustrating? LDR are hard work and they don't get easy, you will always miss eachother. Its great you get to see eachother on some weekends, my bf and i have to wait 9 or more months before we see eachother then its for like 2 or 4 weeks before we have to start the 9 months all over again. A LDR takes a lot of communication, trust, honesty and some creativity. If you dont have one get webcams so you can see eachother online. Email me if you want more ideas or have more questions :)People, Lend Me Your Wisdom : Advice For Long Distance Relationships?
Well, if it's meant to be it will work out. My best advice is do the best you can, and see her as often as you can. Like when she has holidays off or whatever. Make sure to talk at least once a day, maybe every other day if she is too busy. I understand the busy college life, it's tough, but I too am in college and in a long distance relationship, so, what we do is talk every night for a little while right before bed.

Then three years down the road you may be together. But, it is hard, so, be prepared.
dude. patience and love is the real key here, the best thing you can for now if you truly love her, is to stand up to your feelings and try every means of communication available so you can have contact with her always, even if you only have a little time to spare. three years ain't that long, (just don't count the days) and its a real test of your real feelings for her. you see if you love her then you would be willing to wait, and will just be contented on your situation for now.

You can also talk to her even if you only have just a few moments whenever you both find time to be free, and talk to her about how you feel now with your relationship so you two can come up with a solution on a deliberate talk.

On the dimmer side, if you feel like you can't wait, then perhaps its about time for you to move on, and look for somebody you're more comfortable with.
I have a similar problem, but we keep it casual so the strain doesn't kill us, and there's more freedom and we're not that far apart.

All the same, I know a little of what you speak of...and, hell. try to graduate early?

I'll be watching out for this answer, need that advice myself.
You cant wait three more years? So what are your options..drop out of high school? Just try to see her every weekend and over breaks..thats really your only choice. Or of course to break up with her.
if you love her and she Love's you .you to will make it you have to believe in the love you to have for each other just don't let your mind start thinking thing like she is not in class but with some one. you have to have Faith in her and she have to have faith in you and you to will be fine
well if you love her then wait, try to find more ways to be with her and spend time with her. hey you still talking to her and everything so it don't matter, i'm sure she loves you too!
it really is all up to the two of you... on how hard you want to make the relationship work. i've been in a long distance relationship for 3yrs now because my bf works in another country. we haven't seen each other for three whole years already but thanks to technology there are a lot of ways to communicate. we have encountered a lot of problems and broke up several times but we're still together up to now. if you really love her... you can wait.

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